My name is Ezana and I left Eltham in 2024 after studying Maths, Biology and Drama at A-level. I’m currently preparing to start my first year at the University of Oxford to read Biology. I loved going to Eltham, with many of my favourite memories being made in the theatre where I took part in many plays and musicals. My favourite would have to be our recent musical ‘Kipps’ where I had the fortune of playing the lead! As Head Boy, I found a lot of fun in engaging with incoming pupils and giving speeches. I was also a part of various jazz bands, where I played the alto saxophone. Finally, as a member of the rugby 1st XV, the highlight of my time at Eltham would have to be when we beat Colfe’s twice during my time in sixth form. I look forward to speaking with you and hearing all about your favourite memories from your time at this wonderful school.
The 2024 Eltham College Telephone Campaign: Mon 26 August - Sun 15 September
2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Telephone Campaigns by Eltham College. To find out why we’re running a Telephone Campaign and what projects it is supporting this year, take a look at our 2024 Annual Fund Brochure here.
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Our callers are calling from telephone number 020 8851 9840. If you’ve missed a call from us, we’ll try you again soon, or you can request a callback by emailing [email protected] and letting us know the best date/time/number to get you on. Our calling windows are Monday to Thursday evenings, Saturday daytimes or Sunday afternoon/early evening. We do not call on Fridays.
This year's callers
We’ve selected a team of recent leavers who are looking forward to speaking with you. Read on to find out more about them.
My name is Jessica and I left Eltham College in 2023 after studying English Literature, History and Drama at A-Level. I am currently studying Theatre and Performance at the University of Leeds and hope to work in this industry in the future. I loved my time at Eltham College and found the Sixth Form boosted my aspirations in drama even further. I was able to balance playing sports whilst being heavily involved in the drama department, where most of my time was spent! Among the many good times, my highlights would be the two amazing roles I had in the school musicals; Little Shop of Horrors and Curtains! the musical. I also enjoyed my involvement backstage, helping with lower school productions. I was Chalmers house captain and thoroughly enjoyed leading Chalmers to victory in House Singing and House Drama. One of my favourite memories was our lower sixth netball tour to Exeter which was a weekend of laughter and sporting success for most of the teams, although I will always remember announcing our unfortunate B team results in Chapel… I look forward to speaking with you and recalling your favourite memories of your time at Eltham College .
My name is Sam and I left Eltham College in 2024 after studying History, Psychology and Politics at A-level. I’m currently taking a gap year, but I plan to attend the University of East Anglia to study History and I hope to become a university lecturer.
I loved going to Eltham College and took part in many events, such as being part of the tech crew for the play Curtains in year 11. My favourite memory of Eltham was going on the Uganda trip in year 12, to help the International Needs charity. I look forward to speaking to all of you in the future!
My name is Lucas and I left Eltham College in 2022 after studying Maths, History and French at A-level. I’m currently studying History, Politics & Economics at University College London and interning at Willis Towers Watson, a city based remuneration consultancy. I loved going to Eltham College and took part in many musical performances ranging from Chamber Choir in the Painted Chapel to Big Band at Woolwich Works, with my highlight singing as an ‘undead child’ at the Barbican! I also played A-team Rugby and my favourite memory of Eltham was Sports Day and the camaraderie it created within the Houses. I look forward to speaking with you and hearing all about your favourite memories from your time at Eltham!
My name is Maryam and I left Eltham College this year, 2024, where I studied Maths, Economics and Geography at A-levels. Having an offer to study Land Economy at the University of Cambridge means I shall be one step closer to working in Asset management, my desired ambition. Eltham college has been amazing to me and I loved my time there which included being in multiple musicals such as The Little Shop of Horrors and Half-a-Six-Pence. I particularly enjoyed being head of Livingstone where the inter-house competition was fierce! My favourite memory of Eltham would be very hard to choose because (as corny as it may sound) I enjoyed every single day I had in Eltham, an experience I shall never forget!
Hi, my name’s Rawdon, I left Eltham college this year and am already enjoying the opportunities that the school has opened up to me. I have been working at a languages summer camp since the end of my A-levels, teaching English and, in turn, practising my Spanish in preparation for my university course of Hispanic studies at Liverpool University. I greatly enjoyed my time at Eltham and would love to ensure that those same opportunities are available for the next generations of Elthamians. My favourite memories at Eltham arose in the Art classrooms; I would spend most lunchtimes there either finishing off my annotations or trying out new materials that I wouldn’t have been able to use without Eltham’s focus on artistic exploration.
My name is Pelin and I left Eltham College in 2022 after studying Biology, Politics, and History at A-Level. I am currently studying History at the University of Cambridge and wish to convert into Law.
My time at Eltham was extremely enriching, as Co-President of the History Society, and a member of the debating team, I developed many skills which have directly benefited me at university and broader life. I also enjoyed performing in the yearly musical and playing netball. I am very excited to speak to OE’s to hear how your lives have changed since going to Eltham College, and what you remember from your days there.
My name is Ben and I left Eltham College in 2022 after studying Politics, Drama and Geography. I am currently reading Human Geography at Cardiff University. Alongside my studies, I am also the Station Manager at Xpress Radio. As a drama scholar at Eltham College I took part in many productions such as Curtains, Lord of the Flies and Fidler on the Roof, but my highlight has to be being voted in as Mayor of the school in the mock election. I was house captain for Moffatt and led them to win the house cup. I was captain of the water polo team and 2XV rugby team. My favourite memory of Eltham College was playing lunchtime football on the fields. I look forward to speaking with you and talking to you about your time at Eltham College.
Hello! My name is Ali and I’m part of the “Class of 2023” after studying Maths, Economics and English at A-Level. I am now studying Finance & Accounting at the London School of Economics (LSE), hoping to start my career in finance… Eltham College was so great for my personal development, encouraging me to put myself out there, such as when I took part in the Sixth Form House Drama play despite having no experience in acting! I am an avid football fan and captained Chalmers during House Football tournaments. I’m looking forward to hearing about your experiences at Eltham.
My name is Joshua and I left Eltham College in 2023 after studying Maths, Economics and Geography at A-level. I’m currently studying Economics and Finance at the University of Bristol and Eltham College helped to shape who I am today. Upon joining in year 9, I had the pleasure of playing in the rugby team and being in the cast for Our Teacher’s a Troll. My favourite memory of Eltham is being a part of Eltham College Christianity Explored (ECCE), from being a member and partaking in the weekends away to becoming a leader and leading my own little group of younger pupils. Additionally, I had the chance to speak to the whole school about the parable of the Prodigal Son. I look forward to speaking with you and hearing all about your favourite memories from your time at Eltham.
My name is Prosper and I left Eltham College in 2023 after studying English Literature, Economics, and Philosophy & Theology at A-Level. I’m currently studying Law at the University of Warwick and I hope to practice in the future. My favourite memories of Eltham College include helping to develop the College’s inaugural Afro-Caribbean Society, including the birth of Culture Week in the Autumn Term. As former Deputy Head Girl, I also enjoyed representing the school in many capacities, such as on open days and on speech day. My favourite moments, however, were all connected to being an active member of Eltham College’s Christianity Explored, giving me the opportunity to see the school from many different perspectives. I look forward to talking to you and hearing the similarities in our Eltham College experiences!
Thank you.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to speak with our callers. Even if you are unable to support on this occasion, we hope you welcome the opportunity to chat about the College.
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