Eltham College is a co-educational independent day school. We are committed to giving each child an outstanding education, a positive approach and values that will steer them throughout their life.
As one of the leading independent schools in the UK academic standards are high and entrance is by selection based on academic merit and on an assessment of the student’s likely positive contribution to the College. The majority of students join us at one of our key entry points (7+, 11+, or 16+). We do occasionally have spaces for entry into our other year groups, subject to availability and waiting lists.
Scholarships are open to all and can be applied for when entering the Senior School in Year 7 or Sixth Form. Bursaries may also be awarded to those Senior School and Sixth Form parents who need financial assistance.
Registration for 7+, 11+ and 16+ entry September 2025 is now closed. Please contact Admissions to discuss applications for 2026 and beyond.
If you’d like to come visit the school at one of our Open Days, please visit this page for further details.
Occasional Places
Eltham College is typically full in most year groups and it is unusual for us to be able to consider new students outside of our formal entry points (7+, 11+ and 16+).
However, vacancies do occasionally arise in Years 3, 4 and 5 at the Junior School, and Years 7, 8 and 9 in the Senior School. (We do not take students in transfer or examination years). If you are interested in your son or daughter being considered for a place, you will need to complete a registration form and pay an application fee of £234 (including VAT). In the event of a place becoming available, we will invite all those who are registered to sit a competitive entry assessment.
If you would like to register your child for an occasional vacancy please contact Eltham College Admissions and you will be sent a link to the ad hoc registration form (please do not complete the standard registration form on the website).