op of Form
For Years 7-9 we will be following the ‘Stimmt!’ course endorsed by Edexcel which ties in with the IGCSE, should students choose to continue with German. This course has extensive support material online and students will be able to consolidate their vocabulary learning through the use of memrise.com.
In Year 7 and 8, students have three lessons per week of German and one piece of homework will be set. Students will build their grammatical understanding steadily over the academic year and will broaden their vocabulary through the study of a variety of topics including:
Year 7: Topics |
Year 7: Grammar |
Introducing yourself |
The present tense (regular and irregular verbs) |
Family and pets |
Articles |
Free time activities |
The nominative and the accusative |
School life |
Adjectives |
Holidays |
Using ‘man kann’ |
Using ‘gern’ |
Word order |
Using ‘weil’ |
Using ‘es gibt + k/ein’ |
Using ‘ich möchte‘ |
Year 8: Topics |
Year 8: Grammar |
Holidays |
Using ‘war’ and ‘hatte’ |
The media (TV, films, books) |
Using the perfect tense |
Healthy lifestyles |
Modal verbs |
Going on a trip |
Reflexive and separable verbs |
Going out in the town |
The imperatives |
Adjectives |
Using ‘wenn’ |
Using the future tense |
Year 9
In Year 9, students have four lessons per week and two pieces of homework. Students will study a variety of vocabulary and grammar topics including:
Year 9: Topics |
Year 9: Grammar |
Role models |
Object pronouns |
Music |
Using ‘seit |
Future plans |
Separable verbs in the perfect tense |
My childhood |
Using ‘um…zu’ |
Rules and regulations |
Dual case prepositions |
Using ‘als’ |
Comparatives and superlatives |
Using ‘weil’ |
German is an option subject at GCSE. Students follow the Edexcel IGCSE course.
At GCSE, students have four lessons per week and two pieces of homework will be set. They also have weekly one-to-one slots with the German assistant to support their preparation for the oral examination. Full details can be found in the specification but topics include:
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Home Town, Home Life and Relationships |
Hobbies, Interests and Sports |
School Life, Education and Careers |
The Media and Modern Technology |
Holidays and local customs |
Environmental Issues |
The course is examined by three exams at the end of Year 11: Listening, Reading and Writing, Speaking.