Philosophy and Theology are very relevant for the world in which we live. Religion and beliefs inform our values and are reflected in what we say and how we behave. A study of religion provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.
Since Eltham College was founded as a school for the sons of missionaries, the Philosophy and Theology Department aims to embody something of that tradition; creating a thriving department where RS is taught as a rigorous academic discipline. The underlying philosophy of our approach is two-fold, firstly that every human being has a belief system of one kind or another, and secondly that we can draw on the resources and experiences of our students who come from a variety of faith communities and backgrounds.
Throughout the Senior School at Eltham College, Philosophy and Theology are taught in dedicated lessons by subject specialists. The principle of ‘spiral learning’ is in operation so that students are learning skills and being introduced to knowledge and concepts that will be developed throughout their studies at Eltham College.
The department aims:
- To provide teaching of the highest quality to stimulate an enthusiasm for the study of religion.
- Develop the religious literacy of students, which goes beyond merely factual understanding to include empathetic understanding of the multi-faceted phenomena that religion is.
- Build upon the natural curiosity of students about ultimate questions and to help them be able to think constructively about such questions.
We do this by delivering lessons which are designed so that students learn in a variety of ways through group work, paired work or individual study as appropriate; building skills of reciprocity, resilience, resourcefulness and reflectiveness. We also encourage our students to ask questions and to reach their own informed conclusions.