In a dynamic blend of creativity and technology, our Year 6 pupils have embarked on a fun project: making a digital pet that responds to touch and movement – similar to the 90s classic “tamagotchi” – using Micro:bit technology.
Over the past three weeks, our pupils have been working on their digital pets, exploring ways to detect movement and interaction through Micro:bit’s coding. This final project marks the culmination of their Micro:bit coding curriculum, using the MakeCode coding blocks available in Micro:bit Classroom online.
Pupils have spent four lessons understanding the different inputs and sensors embedded within the Micro:bit devices and made a few small projects such as a step counter and scrolling name badge, laying the groundwork for their final pet project.
As the project continues, our pupils will work to ensure they respond intuitively to touch and movement. And once completed, they will produce and edit a video showing how it works, accompanied by evaluations of their work.
This project has been key to foster creativity and technological proficiency but also to encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills among our students. We look forward to seeing their final results.