Senior School Staff

To email any Senior School staff at Eltham College, please use their initials For example, James Willatt’s email is [email protected]

Executive and Senior Leadership Teams
Mr Guy Sanderson
[email protected]
Mrs Tammy Doyle
EA to Headmaster
Mr James Martin
Senior Deputy Head
Mrs Ann Massey
Deputy Head (Pastoral)
Ms Kathryn Nutbeem
Deputy Head Academic
Mr Robin Wilkinson
Mr James Willatt
Deputy Head (Co-curriculum, Outreach and Public Benefit)
Pastoral Team
Mr J Chesterton
Assistant Head (Lower School) (Year 7 and 8)
Miss M Cogni
Head of Year 7
Mrs N Colwell
Head of Year 8
Mrs E Brooke
Head of Year 9
Ms M Pokorny
Assistant Head (Middle School) (Year 9,10 and 11)
Miss K Richard
Head of Year 10
Mrs L Clough-James
Head of Year 11
Dr T Davies
Head of Year 12
Mrs K Powis-Holt
Head of Year 13
Mr A Merrett
Head of House (Carey)
Miss K Harding
Head of House (Chalmers)
Mr J Crowley
Head of House (Livingstone)
Miss K Duke
Head of House (Moffat)
Foxbury Medical Centre Team
Mrs J McArdle
Senior School Lead Nurse (Maternity leave)
Mrs K Chance
Senior School Nurse
Mrs C Crews
Senior School Nurse (Maternity cover)
[email protected]
Ms R Lofthouse
Senior School Nursing Assistant
Mrs J Hutchings
Medical administrator
Mrs N Bilsby
Head of Wellbeing
Mrs K Symons
Assistant Head (Head of Learning Support)
Rev J Houghton (on sabbatical)
Rev P Cheshire (interim)
Mrs J Di Mascio
School Counsellor
Learning Support Team
Mrs K Symons
Assistant Head of Learning Support
Ms D Chadwick
SEN Administrator
Ms N Macaulay
Learning Support Assistant
Ms S Kilford
Learning Support Assistant
Ms T Patel
Trainee Teacher of English
Art Department
Miss S Heraghty Director of Art slh
Mrs M Austin Artist in Residence mea
Miss K Duke Head of House (Moffat), Teacher of Art kmd
Mr D Hughes Art Technician dxh
Miss Y Shin Teacher of Art yos
Classics Department
Dr K Michalopoulou Head of Classics ekm
Miss M Cogni Head of Year 7, Teacher of Classics mic
Mr C Nicholls Teacher of Classics can
Computing Department
Mr E Shannon Assistant Head of Computer Science and Digital Learning Strategy eps
Mrs J Isaacs Head of House (Moffat), Teacher of Computing jym
Miss K Hassan Trainee Teacher of Computing kxh
Drama Department
Mr J Marshall Head of Academic Drama jsm
Mrs K Robinson Director of Drama kyr
Mr M Curley Theatre Technician mhc
Miss Z Mavrides Director in Residence (Drama) zxm
Mr R Warren Deputy Head of House (Livingstone), Technical Manager rxw
Design and Technology Department
Mr C Quinton Head of Design and Technology ccq
Mr J Bacon Design and Technology Technician jrb
Ms F Davies Teacher of Design and Technology fld
Miss S Howells Teacher of Design and Technology sho
Mr P Wren Teacher of Design and Technology pjw
Economics Department
Mr C Emmerich Head of Economics cfe
Miss A Hampton Armstrong Teacher of Economics aha
English Department
Mr C Cook Head of English cjc
Miss E Bush Teacher of English ejb
Miss L Martin Teacher of English, 2iC lem
Mr T Mitchell Head of Creative Writing, Teacher of English tcm
Miss T Patel Trainee Teacher of English tmp
Mrs N Whittaker Teacher of English, Assistant Head of Oxbridge nxw
Geography Department
Mrs A Mollison Head of Geography azm
Miss M Calwell Teacher of Geography mkc
Ms S Chalmers Teacher of Geography soc
Mr J Chesterton Assistant Head (Lower School), Teacher of Geography jpc
Mrs L Clough-James Head of Year 10, Teacher of Geography lvc
Miss J Franklin Teacher of Geography jaf
Miss K Richard Teacher of Geography kar
Mrs C Scott-Blount Teacher of Geography csb
Mr J Willatt Deputy Head (Co-Curriculum, Outreach & Public Benefit), Teacher of Geography jaw
History Department
Dr T Davies Head of History, Head of Year 12 atd
Mr E Cavendish Head of Scholarship, Teacher of History and Religious Studies erc
Mr A Higginson Head of Psychology, Teacher of History ach
Mr J Martin Senior Deputy Head, Teacher of History jhm
Mr Rory Green Teacher of History rxg
Languages Department
Ms L Scarantino Head of Modern Languages, Head of French lus
Mrs F Archdale Teacher of French and Spanish fxa
Mrs E Brooke Head of Year 9, Teacher of French exb
Miss I Brown Teacher of French and German ieb
Mr P Cheshire German Language Assistant pgc
Mrs S Chevrier-Clarke Language Assistant sfc
Miss C Franz Head of German caf
Mr J Houghton Chaplain, Teacher of French and Spanish jhh
Mr A Johnston Head of Spanish awj
Miss E Keim Teacher of French and German epk
Mr F Nieto Almada Teacher of French and Spanish fna
Mrs M Parra Ariza Language Assistant mnp
Ms M Su Head of Mandarin mms
Mathematics Department
Mr T Brook Head of Mathematics thb
Mr A Astbury-Palmer Teacher of Mathematics, 2iC aap
Mrs R Bevington Teacher of Mathematics reb
Mrs N Bilsby Head of Wellbeing, Deputy Head of House (Chalmers), Teacher of Mathematics njb
Mr J Capocci Teacher of Mathematics jca
Mr J Crowley Head of House (Livingstone), Teacher of Mathematics jxc
Miss R Gordon Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning), Teacher of Mathematics rcg
Mr A Hon Teacher of Mathematics ahh
Miss C Hughes Teacher of Mathematics, 2iC cah
Mr G Pender Teacher of Physics with Mathematics gpe
Mr S Kinsella Teacher of Mathematics szk
Ms V Watts Teacher of Mathematics viw
Ms S Wood Teacher of Mathematics ssw
Music Department
Mr S Johns Director of Music saj
Mr D Baker Graduate Music Assistant dgb
Mrs J Brits Head of Keyboard jmb
Ms A Bryans Teacher of Music asb
Mr T Bullard Head of Singing tob
Mrs J Lewis Music Administrator jjl
Mr C Nall Head of Percussion cdn
Mrs D Nall Head of Woodwind dmb
Miss J O’Leary Head of Strings jol
Ms E Potter Hicks Head of Academic Music eph
Mr S Thompson Head of Brass stt
Politics Department
Mrs A Massey Deputy Head, Teacher of Politics amm
Mrs K Powis-Holt Head of Year 13, Teacher of Politics khp
Philosophy and Theology Studies Department
Mr H Burling Head of Philosophy and Theology hdb
Mr E Cavendish Head of Scholarship, Teacher of History and Philosophy and Theology erc
Mr H Chapman Teacher of Philosophy and Theology hjc
Science Department
Mr S Whittaker Director of Studies, Teacher of Physics stw
Mr R Avadanutei Teacher of Chemistry raa
Mrs S Baig Teacher of Chemistry and Physics snb
Dr L Bristow Science Technician lmb
Mr A Chan Teacher of Physics ytc
Mrs N Colwell Head of Year 8, Teacher of Chemistry njc
Mr L Evans Teacher of Physics lee
Mrs J Ferigan Laboratory Technician jak
Mr H Hawkridge Head of Chemistry hjh
Mr A Higginson Head of Psychology, Teacher of History ach
Dr J Hill Science Technician jnh
Mr A Hindocha Head of Physics ath
Mr S Marlow Head of Biology, Teacher of Chemistry, Medical Pathways Co-Ordinator stm
Mr A Merrett Head of House (Carey), Teacher of Biology adm
Mr H Nicholls Teacher of Biology with Chemistry ehn
Mr S Patel Teacher of Chemistry and Biology spt
Mr G Pender Teacher of Physics with Maths gpe
Mrs K Pender Teacher of Biology and Chemistry, Assistant Head of Oxbridge kjp
Ms M Pokorny Assistant Head (Middle School), Teacher of Psychology mmp
Mrs O Wansbury Laboratory Technician omw
Miss E Rees Teacher of Biology (with Science) ezr
Mr G Ward Physics Technician gaw
Sport Department
Mr M Edwards Director of Sport mae
Mr Y Arafat Cricket Professional mya
Mr J Bellingham Sports Graduate, Girls Cricket co-ordinator jab
Miss M Bentley Sports Graduate Netball mab
Mr T Bungane Sports Graduate, Water Polo co-ordinator tbu
Miss E Evans Head of Ski Racing eje
Mr S Florescu-Serban Head Coach of Fencing Team gif
Miss K Harding Head of House (Chalmers), Teacher of PE i/c Tennis kah
Mr J Halls Hockey Professional jha
Mr M Hodson Sports Graduate, Head of S&C mah
Miss B Holmes PE Teacher i/c Cross Country brh
Mr J Kelly Head of Cricket i/c Ski Racing jfk
Mr B King Assistant Director of Sport, Senior School PE & Games Lead, Head of Rugby bjk
Mr M Morrish Teacher of PE and Sports mpm
Miss K Parkin PE Teacher, Trainee Sports Psychologist kop
Mr S Perfect Head of Aquatics smp
Mr L Petrozzi Performance Rugby Coach lup
Mr E Thorogood Head of High Performance i/c Athletics ett
Miss L True Head of Netball ljt
Other Departments
Mrs C Roche Librarian cmr