
In addition to the teaching and learning that takes place in the classroom, we offer various after school activities, workshops and school trips throughout the year to support and enhance our students’ education. These activities and trips aim to broaden their interests, develop diverse skills, and offer real-world applications of their classroom knowledge.

These annual workshops give our students the chance to experience the topic they are studying by immersing themselves in it.

Acrylic Workshop Year 4 Mrs Chamberlain
Art Workshops Year 3 to 6 Ms Kusner
Childnet E-Safety Workshops Year 3 to 6 Mrs Sargeant
The Greeks (Present by History off the Page) Year 3 Mr Dale
Lent Term
Healthy Eating (Presented by A-Life) Whole school Mr Wearmouth
Summer Term
Planetarium Workshop Year 5 Mrs Goakes
Portraits Workshop Year 3 Mrs Chamberlain
Michaelmas Term
Road Safety Year 6 Mr Wearmouth
Summer Term
Saxons (Presented by History off the Page) Year 4 Mr Dale
Summer Term
Science Week Year 3 to 6 Mrs Goakes
Victorians Year 6 Mr Dale
Michaelmas Term
VR Coding Workshops Year 3 and 4 Lent Term
Water Colour Workshop Year 5 Mrs Chamberlain
Michaelmas Term


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